Organization Chart / Team
M. Àngels Cifre Ruano
Direction Unification of the Educational Institution Franciscanes Franciscanes
Ángela Crespo Herrero
Maite Fenollosa
Noemí Navarro
Head of studies
Yolanda Jaén
Coordination and grade tutors
Kindergarten: Noemí Navarro, Rebeca González, Andrea Contreras and Alba Jodar
Grades 1st and 2nd: Yolanda Jaén, Mayte Roy and Pedro Escuderos
Grades 3r and 4th: Eva Martín and Cristina Fontrfreda
Grades 5th and 6th: Inés Esteve and José Garcés.
Special Ed.: Maria Canales
Physical Ed.: Maite Fenollosa and Pedro Escuderos
Music: Fernando López
English: Inés Esteve and Rebeca González
Psychologists: Jorge Catalan and Jose Mª Cañada